Activity 2011 – 2012


New project organized for Fall-Winter 2011-2012 : an intervention program , aimed at preschoolers children residing in two slums. We will also continue to do the usual Health Supervision activity at Daddy’s Home and Buttefly Hill, Homes for abandoned children, visiting the newly admitted babies and children, checking the new pupils in the schools associated with Care & Share Charitable Trust (Premniketan, Ginny’s, Bishop Azaraiah etc. ..).
But there will be also the kick off of the ‘Slum Project’ : the activity will be divided into four mornings during which we will manage a small clinic free of charge for children, especially the youngest neonates and infants , in the two slums of Vijayawada: Kandrika and Rajarajesvari.
The visiting rooms will be organized within the buildings of two local schools managed by Care & Share.
We will have a qualified nurse with us, living in one of the two slums who will help us to understand better the problems of the families and local people.
The Associazione Pediatri di Famiglia per i Bambini del Mondo- CCWW Italia has been asked by Care& Share Charitable Trust to provide the medical expertise and assistance for the children under their care in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
CCWW Italia will help to organize medical care and preventive activities for Care & Share children and supervise an educational project for medical staff who will then be in charge of long term care of these children.
Care&Share is an international NGO working in and around the city of Vijayawada, in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
Over the years, Care&Share has rescued over 1000 children from the streets of Vijayawada – 600 of them now live in our Daddy’s Home campus, which opened its doors in the year 2000. Another village – Butterfly Hill, which is meant as a home for HIV+ children and AIDS orphans – is currently under construction. Care &Share also runs a host of other programs serving slum dwellers, sex workers, and those displaced in the wake of natural disasters.


To improve the quality of general pediatric care of the neonate, child and adolescent in the community ( out of hospital )
This new organization of primary pediatric care in the community could be then sustained by local health care providers (physicians, nurses, etc.) and support staff, with only the supervision of the italian pediatricians, if necessary.


CCWW Italia paediatricians will coordinate health care and preventive activities, performing acute and chronic patients visits and supporting health promotion activities.
Physical examination of all Daddy’s Home and village children going to school for complete Health Supervision visits with particular reference to evaluation of immunizations, TB etc. Meetings with local subspecialty consultants will be organized to discuss and develop common clinical pathways and guidelines.

Educational project: meetings will be planned for health care providers (physicians, nurses, etc.) and in charges, where participants will acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for preventive services, including well child care, immunization, screening tests and first aid procedures or minor illnesses treatment within the context of health supervision guidelines.
Epidemiological registry : an electronic medical record will be used to monitor medical activities and clinical outcomes.

Activity 2010 – 2011


– Si sono avvicendati 18 pediatri con una decina di accompagnatori
– Sono state effettuate 780 visite a bambini residenti presso le struttura gestite direttamente da Care&Share e 2320 visite a bambini di scuole esterne negli slum di Vijayawada


– CCWW has promoted immunizations against Influenza and Pneumococcal diseases ( Prevenar 13 ) for all the Babies at Daddy’s Home and in externanal institutions for Handicapped children like Premniketan


– Drugs and Immunization stock check
– Continuing medical education has been coordinated by CCWW pediatricians during several seminars for new and old staff and a Medical Group monthly meeting has been organized
– Pediatric Basic Life Support Seminar for 50 staff members, school personnel and discussion of PBLS


– HIV diagnosis and treatment guidelines and developmental evaluation protocols have been prepared and discussed


Daddy’s Home girls and female staff persons have been involved in meeting on cancer prevention. Gynecological consultations and PAP test have been performed . The high spontaneous particvipation and acceptance testify that in these years our activity has promoted a ” Good health practice” in this Indian organization.
We consider all this a very positive result for the work done in these 3 years. The management of acute and chronic diseases has improved and health promotion activities have been started and will be continued by the nursing staff of the Institution. For the future we plan an intervention on the preschool aged children in the slums of Vijayawada.