Project Criança 2007 – 2008
(Mindelo, San Vicente, Cabo Verde)
Health supervision visits ( well child checkups) to children from 2 to 4 years old in nursery schools, community centers, health clinics etc.
in collaboration with the local health authorities ( Delegacia de Saude, dr. JM d’Agujar )Education and professional development for health care providers (physicians, nurses, etc.) and support staff
Over 2000 visits have been performed to children born in 2003, 2004, 2002 in collaboration with the local nursing staff.
– Medical History
– Objective examination
– Weight, Height, Head Circumference
– Blood pressure
– Neurodevelopmental evaluation
– Vision, Hearing and Speech screening
– Red Reflex
– Cover and Lang test
– Visual acuity (HOTV table from 4 years)
– Speech evaluation with a brief survey for parents /teachers and tables to evaluate the child’s competence
– Educational meetings have been planned for health care providers (physicians, nurses, etc.) and support staff, followed by 1:1 tutorship where participants have acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes for preventive services, including well child care, immunization, screening tests, within the context of health supervision guidelines.
– All the relevant clinical informations have been recorded using an electronic medical record to develop an epidemiological registry.
– Health Education material discussed and printed in portoguese.
– Ophtalmic Screening: out of 1341 subjects (the 2003 Cohort of children born in Sao Vicente, Capo Verde) 1301 (97,02%) received an ophthalmic evaluation during a paediatric visit in collaboration with CBM Italia (pres. dr. M. Angi, Padova, Italy)
– Local Health staff has been trained to perform cycloplegic autorefractometry . Non collaborative children were re tested, under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, who added fundus examination.
Project Criança…Next
Health Promotion activities will be performed in the future by local health care providers supervised by Italian Primary Care Pediatricians. Educational projects for health staff from other islands will be supervised directly by the local health care providers of the Delegacia de Saude of San Vicente who will also prepare al program of health supervision visits to be implemented initially in Sao Vicente .